Condition of Sale Inspections
Underground pipes are typically not something that is part of a regular home inspection, to understand what you are buying it is important to do the following.
1) Talk to your realtor about sections of the property disclosure statement that involve underground pipes.
2) Confirm the storm drains are connected to the municipal storm sewer, gravel pit, or other method of handling excess water.
3) Confirm the sewer is connected to the municipal sanitary sewer system or a septic system.
4) Ask whether the property has cleanouts, sump pumps, septic tanks, backwater valves and their locations.
5) Have the storm and sewer drainage inspected, it may require maintenance, or even replacement.
After you purchase a home
After you have moved forward with your home purchase you may want to look at doing some of the following.
1) Installing cleanout access points to maintain the drainage.
2) Installing backwater valves if the road is higher than the basement floor.
3) Installing high level alarms on the sump pump.
4) If you have discovered no corrode Orangeburg pipe it should be replaced as soon as possible.
5) Cap access points, install leaf guards on downspout risers.
6) Install moisture alarms in low areas of the house that are rarely used or visited.